How much would it cost to develop a Virtual Seminar App?

According to Bizzabo 2020, around 93% event professionals are ready to invest in organising the virtual events. Due to the impact of the Covid-19, more than 63% of the event professionals pivoted to a virtual event.

Virtual seminar platform is a vital strategy for B2B businesses and a great deal of buyers' brands are likewise turning to it for their own B2C marketing strategy. Particularly with this moment - with Covid 19 compelling such a significant number of organizations to cancel face to face events and deals gathering into virtual situations.

Virtual seminar platforms allow you to build relationships with the audience, directly share the points, and build your images in front of the audience so that people can come to you for all the significant information.

About Virtual Seminar Platform

Virtual seminar platforms enable anyone to deliver seminars online with the help of live remote hosts & speakers. In the virtual seminar, the speaker and attendees directly communicate with each other through chat and video call as if they were in the same room which is also called “Webinar”. Virtual seminars will in general be reproductions of classroom workshops, though the webinar is regularly a short introduction with constrained cooperation.

  • Reach your audience and strengthen your message
  • Easier to make connections
  • Video Streaming
  • Easy to exchange information with the attendees before, during, and after the events
  • Anonymous participation is possible
  • Easy to save the presented content

Basic features- Cost to build a virtual seminar platform

System User User Admin
End User Register/Login Login
Forgot Password Dashboard
Profile User Management
Create Room Event Management
Join Meeting Ticket Management
Video call Manage Payments
Chat (group, private) Invoice Management
Reminders Manage Static Content
Notification Manage Notification
Live Video Streaming
Save video and audio
Replay audio and video
Check participants activity
Static Content pages
Mention and gestures
File sharing, pdf, recording
Cost USD 20k-25k (Web platform and Admin panel)

Add-on features

System User User Admin
Add-on Features Subscription Manage Subscription
Paid Events Google Analytics
Youtube integration

Team composition for developing virtual seminar platform

We are a team of skilled App developers, Product managers, AI/ML Experts, Business Analysts and UI/UX developers with experience in developing on demand marketplace platforms over the years. The list of resources you will need for development of Virtual Seminar Platform

  • 1 Project Manager
  • 1 Business Analyst
  • 1-2 UI/UX Designers
  • 1 Quality Assurance Member
  • 1 Native Android Developer
  • 1 Native iOS Developer
  • 1 Backend Developer

Technology Stack

Fabric iOS
Fabric iOS
Android Studio
Android Studio
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google API
Google API
MEAN Stack
MEAN Stack
Mantis BT
Mantis BT
Google Webmasters
Google Webmasters
swift iOS
swift iOS

Why choose Let’s Nurture for developing a virtual seminar platform?

Considering to develop a virtual seminar platform, it is of utmost requirement that you get this web app built from a proven and reputed website and mobile app development company that has years of experience in building various web apps. And with our 10+ years of expert experience and proven domain expertise, we can go a long way.

  • Experienced in group interactivity platforms development.

  • Expertise in AI/ML based Solutions.

  • Proficient team working on automation technologies.

  • Enterprise, Customer and Business Management services, for iOS development support.

  • Transparent & exhaustive QA and unit testing in each phase.

Are you looking to develop a Virtual Seminar App?

Talk to Our Industry Experts


An account is not necessary if you are strictly joining a meeting as a participant. If the organizer invites you to their seminar, you can join as a participant without creating an account. However, if the host has restricted joining seminars using authentication profiles, then the participant will need an account to access the seminar.

Yes, you will be assigned appropriate copyright or license rights for the bespoke code that we write for your project. We are transparent with intellectual property rights, and you will have the opportunity to review our code ownership terms before the project begins.

No, organizer and attendees will have different interfaces. Organizer platform is an admin platform where they can be able to access everything and attendees have different interfaces where they can be able to interact with other participants.
During virtual events you can set up virtual booths for the participants. The booths allow participants to access the mixture of contents including videos, graphics, social media links etc. Sponsors can also interact with the users via chat, live video streaming, and Q&A time within their virtual booth.

Contact Us

Have an idea or need help with application like Virtual Seminar App?


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