How Much Does it Cost to Develop Fitness App like MyFitnessPal?

MyFitnessPal was founded by Albert Lee in 2005. Today, there are 50 million registered users in the fitness tracking app, 3.5 million products in its registry, and collaboration with most tech wearables like Jawbone and Fitbit - reported by Lee to Fortune.

We live in a time when more and more people are getting concerned over their wellbeing. Advancements in technology also allow us to make this process more effective. Today, the health and fitness sectors serve people with healthy lifestyles so they can maintain a balance between health and work routine. MyFitnessPal helps you keep track of your daily food and beverage intake, calculating all your nutrients, calories, and vitamins for you. This enables you to analyze patterns and find out what your diet is missing or where you need to cut back a little.

In this pandemic situation of covid-19, people have to take care of their health & boost their immunity. In this Lockdown situation, They have to stay at home, Apps like MyFitnessPal, assist them in keeping an accurate track of their daily food and beverage intake, calculating all their nutrients, calories, and vitamins for them


About MyFitnessPal

MyFitnessPal is a smartphone app and website that monitors diet and exercise in order to determine optimal caloric intake and nutrients for the needs of consumers and uses gamification features to encourage users. Users can either scan the barcodes on different food products or add them manually to the list of more than five million different foods. Working closely with over 50 products and applications like wearable devices from Fitbit and Garmin, consumers can synchronize their health data with third-party data with easier mobility.

Looking to develop a Fitness app like “MyFitnessPal”

There are huge business opportunities since the fitness and healthcare industry is growing globally. Let’s Nurture is ISO 9001:2015 certified custom mobile app development company that can help your Fitness app idea with expert app development services on Android, iOS and Cross-Platform. We are a team of experienced app and software developers, UI/UX designers, product managers and business analysts who can support you in achieving the very heights you aspire to take your business up to. We have extensive experience in developing apps for clients as per their specific demands, briefs and needs.

Basic Features & Cost to develop fitness app like “MyFitnessPal”

App Category Customer App Admin App
App Features Registration/ Login Login
User Profile Manage Dashboard
Link Wearable Manage Users
Track Activity/Diet/Sleep Manage Payments
View Diet Plans Manage Plans
View/Manage Health records Manage Notifications
Payment Gateways Manage Rewards
View Daily Progress Report Manage Media(Video and Images)
View/Track your steps Manage Promo and offers
View Health Tips/Suggestions Manage Subscriptions(if any)
Push Notifications
Cost to develop Weather App like WeatherCAN $17,000 to $19,000 for Mobile App(Android +iOS) + Web Admin

Add-on Features

Users Features
Add-on Features
Paid subscription
Social Media Integration
Chat Module
In-app purchase to unlock new features
Google Analytics (For Admin)

Resources Required for Fitness app like “MyFitnessPal”

Our expert consultants will make you a walk-through about the project initiation, analysis, team deployment, kick-off, development phase, and delivery. The resource team needed for developing a health and fitness app like “MyFitnessPal” would normally comprise of:

  • 1 Project Manager and Business Analyst
  • 1-2 UI/UX Designers
  • 1 Native Android Developer
  • 1 Native iOS Developer
  • 1 Backend Developer
  • 1 Quality Assurance Member

Technology Stack that we require to make a Fitness app like “MyFitnessPal”

Fabric iOS
Fabric iOS
Android Studio
Android Studio
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google API
Google API
MEAN Stack
MEAN Stack
Mantis BT
Mantis BT
Google Webmasters
Google Webmasters
swift iOS
swift iOS

How Let’s Nurture can help you develop a Fitness app like “MyFitnessPal”

Let’s Nurture is an ISO 9001:2015 certified mobile app development company. Our Android/ iOS app developers, business consultants, web developers, and designers are savvy of business ideas across all industries. Their understanding of client requirements especially in the health and fitness industry helps in delivering a quality product with flawless UI/ UX with best-in-class features.

  • Expertise in developing healthcare apps with a rich portfolio.

  • Experts with rigorous experience in developing Iot based smart wearable tracker apps.

  • Relevant consultation on strategic features and their development.

  • Value added research and testing.

  • Development within the confines of Apple and Google Play Store Guidelines.

Focus on personal healthcare is one of the main ways to combat this global pandemic. And with the lack of community or outdoor activities, Digital health management is the way to go.

Get in touch with us at Let’s Nurture for a free consultation.

Check out our Youtube Video related to Telehealth

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Yes, you can add a metric like body weight to your calendar by clicking the "+" button on a day on the calendar. You can also sync body weight metrics from Fitbit or Garmin Connect.

Yes, once you have provided your daily activity details you will be able to track your fitness and fatigue related details.
Yes, you will be able to delete the exercise from your database by clicking on the "Exercise" tab, then click "My Exercises” and then click "Delete" to remove the exercise from your database.
Yes, it is already provided as a part of our service agreement
AWe provide AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) services on a case-to-case basis at 10% of Project cost.

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